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Feng Shui and Home Staging

We all know that staging is a critical step in boosting the odds of selling a home.  Properly staging a home means ensuring that the furniture and décor provide a neutral yet welcoming feeling that attracts buyers and makes them feel at home.  Despite its simplicity there is a lot that goes into the process, and the feng shui technique can certainly help.

In Chinese culture feng shui is commonly used for buildings and home décor, designed to promote a balance of health, good fortune, harmony, and tranquility.  One of its fundamental principles is space.  When staging a home, it’s important to be aware of any spaces that might be constricting or blocking a path.  Is a table too close to the wall? It should be moved.  Minimalism is highly important in feng shui as it’s believed it allows the mind to be at ease.

The use of colors is another important principle of feng shui as a balanced color scheme creates harmony.  If the furniture has neutral colors like gray then the walls should have colors that pop like orange or blue, for example.

Nature is also used in feng shui as it’s believed that plants will clean the air of a home and reinforce a healthier ambiance.  A house plant for example, gives the feeling of inviting and warm.

Have you ever tried using feng shui in your home?

This update is presented by Miami Beach Realtor Tim Allen of Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Portofino Tower.  If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Portofino Tower South Beach condos for sale, call Continuum expert Tim at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.