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Useful Real Estate Apps

The majority of people kick start their home search online. Whether it’s through a website or a smartphone app, it’s much easier to do research from the comfort of your own home. Let’s explore some of the best apps used by real estate agents, buyers, and sellers that you might want to check out yourself.

Most of us are aware of sites like Trulia or Zillow and their apps are certainly quite popular. However, Redfin arguably has an advantage over these thanks to it ease of use. You can find out information such as how much a home was sold for just by standing in front of it and entering the address or touching an icon. It also tends to have the timeliest and most accurate information which is updated every fifteen minutes. The app also makes it easy to search for open houses.

Sellers looking to prep their home for a sale or existing homeowenrs that want to do some home improvement may want to check out Houzz, an app that provides design recommendations and a large collection of high-resolution photos that users can filter by keyword.

Homesnap makes things even easier by pulling up information on a home simply by taking a picture of it. You’ll be able to view property tax records as well as interior photos if the home is listed. All pictures are stored for future reference and are mapped out.
This update is presented by Miami Beach Realtor Tim Allen of Blackstone International Realty, specializing in the Portofino Tower. If you are interested in Miami Beach condos such as the Portofino Tower South Beach condos for sale, call Continuum expert Tim at 305-588-2451 for information on sales and rentals.